Number 1 Board Vacancies

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Board Vacancies List Updated 7/15/2024

Board Vacancies List Updated 7/15/2024





NRS 458A.060

Advisory Committee on Problem Gambling


• Two regular members who are residents of this State and who have personal or professional knowledge and experience concerning problem gambling and related issues, including, without limitation, personal recovery, populations at risk of problem gambling, the assessment of needs, research and providing supportive services to problem gamblers

NRS 231.680

Air Service Development Commission


• One member appointed by the Governor who is a member of the Commission on Tourism

NRS 616B.760

Appeals Panel of Industrial Insurance


• An employee of the Division of Insurance of the Department of Business and Industry

• An agent who is licensed to take an application for, procure or place on behalf of others, industrial insurance, and a member of a nationally recognized association for the profession of insurance agents

• Two representatives of the general public

• Two representatives of private carriers

NRS 610.030

Apprenticeship Council


• One member who represents management and has a defined role in a jointly administered apprenticeship program, from northern Nevada

NRS 487.002

Automotive Affairs Advisory Board


• One representative of licensed insurers of motor vehicles

• One representative of the general public must be a resident of a county whose population is less than 55,000

• One representative of licensed operators of body shops

• One representative of licensed new or used motor vehicle dealers

NRS 643.020

Barbers' Health and Sanitation Board


•One licensed barber appointed by the Governor

NRS 433.429

Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council


• One state agency representative for Education

• One state agency representative for Vocational Rehabilitation

• One state agency representative for Social Services (the seat was previously filled by someone from Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services)

• One state agency representative for Criminal Justice

• Two behavioral health recipient representatives

• Two Individuals in Recovery representatives

• One mental health community provider representative

• One substance abuse prevention and treatment provider representative

NRS 408.573

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board


• One representative of the public at large

NRS 616B.548

Board for Administration of Subsequent Injury Account for Self-Insured Employers


• Three members appointed by the Governor

NRS 349.957

Board for Financing Water Projects


• One representative of counties in the State whose populations are less than 100,000


NRS 388.615

Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers


• One member appointed by the Governor

NRS 590.485

Board for the Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas


• One member who is a volunteer firefighter in a rural area of this State.

NRS 561.045

Board of Agriculture


• One member who is actively engaged in general agriculture

• Two members who are actively engaged in growing crops, one of which is a specialty crop

• One member who is actively engaged in raising nursery stock


Board of Directors for Jobs for Nevada's Graduates


• One member appointed by the Governor

NRS 637.030

Board of Dispensing Opticians


• One member actively engaged in the practice of ophthalmic dispensing for not less than 3 years in the State of Nevada immediately preceding the appointment

NRS 654.050

Board of Examiners for Administrators of Facilities for Long-Term Care


• One member who is a member of the medical or paramedical professions

NRS 641C.150

Board of Examiners for Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors


• One member licensed and certified as problem gambling counselor

• One member who is a representative of the general public

NRS 641.A090

Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors


• One member who is a representative of the general public

NRS 477.071

Board of Fire Services


• A chief officer, person of equivalent rank or any other person who is experienced in fire service training and represents a fully paid fire department or fire district

NRS 640C.150

Board of Massage Therapy


• One member who is a member of the general public

NRS 625.100

Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors


• One member engaged in the practice or teaching of professional engineering in any of its disciplines except military engineering

• One member engaged in the practice or teaching of professional engineering in any of its disciplines except military engineering

• One member engaged in the practice or teaching of professional engineering in any of its disciplines except military engineering

• One member engaged in the practice or teaching of professional engineering in any of its disciplines except military engineering

NRS 641.030

Board of Psychological Examiners


• One member who is licensed psychologists in the State of Nevada with at least 5 years of experience in the practice of psychology after being licensed

NRS 287.041

Board of the Public Employees’ Benefits Program


• One member who has substantial and demonstrated experience in risk management, group insurance programs, health care administration, or employee benefits programs appointed by the Governor

• One member who is retired from public employment, appointed by the Governor upon consideration of any recommendations of organizations that represent

• One member who employees in classified service of the State appointed by the Governor upon consideration of any recommendations of organizations

• One member who is employed by this State in a managerial capacity

NRS 233C.025

Board of the Nevada Arts Council


• One member appointed by the Governor, is known for their knowledge and experience in the performing literacy, visual, and folk arts

• One member appointed by the Governor, is known for their knowledge and experience in the performing literacy, visual, and folk arts

• One member appointed by the Governor, is known for their knowledge and experience in the performing literacy, visual, and folk arts


NRS 428.195

Board of Trustees of Fund for Hospital Care to Indigent Persons


• Three county commissioners

NRS 501.167

Board of Wildlife Commissioners


•  One member who is during at least 3 of the 4 years immediately preceding their appointment held a resident license to fish or hunt or both in Nevada

•  One member who is actively engaged in farming

• One member who represents the interests of the general public

NRS 678A.300

Cannabis Advisory Commission


• One member who is an attorney licensed to practice in this State and experienced in providing legal services to cannabis establishments or patients who engage in the medical use of cannabis in this State or another jurisdiction

NRS 6789A.360

Cannabis Compliance Board


• One member of the Board must possess the qualifications of an expert in the fields of corporate finance and auditing, inventory, general finance, or economics and be selected with special reference to his or her knowledge, skill, and experience in representing businesses engaging in manufacturing, distribution, retail, or agriculture

• One member of the Board must be an attorney licensed to practice in this State and selected with special reference to his or her knowledge, skill, and experience in representing businesses in licensing matters or regulatory compliance

• One member of the Board must be selected with special reference to his or her knowledge, skill and experience in the cannabis industry

NRS 433.429

Clark Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board


• The Governor shall appoint to each policy board one member who has extensive experience in the delivery of social services in the field of behavioral

NRS 538.051

Colorado River Commission


• One member appointed by the Governor

NRS 233I.020

Commission for Women


• One member to reflect the diversity of this State, including, without limitation, the varied political philosophies regarding issues of concern to women

• One member to reflect the diversity of this State, including, without limitation, the varied political philosophies regarding issues of concern to women

• One member to reflect the diversity of this State, including, without limitation, the varied political philosophies regarding issues of concern to women

NRS 232.361

Commission on Behavioral Health


• A physician, other than a psychiatrist, licensed to practice medicine in this State and who has experience in dealing with intellectual disabilities, from a list of three candidates submitted by the Nevada State Medical Association

• A current or former recipient of mental health services provided by the State or any agency thereof

• A psychiatrist licensed to practice medicine in this State

NRS 624.570

Commission on Construction Education


• One member who is a representative of the construction industry

NRS 459.0091

Commission on Nuclear Projects


• Two members chosen by the Governor from a list of three names submitted to him by the Legislative Commission

• One member appointed by the Governor

•One member appointed by the Governor name submitted to him by the Legislative Commission

NRS 490.067

Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles


• One member who represents persons who own or operate all-terrain motorcycles

 NRS 394.383

Commission on Postsecondary Education


• One member who is knowledgeable in the field of education, but does not represent postsecondary educational institutions, or colleges established or maintained under the laws of this State

• One member who represents veterans and is knowledgeable in issues relating to veterans

NRS 391.009

Commission on Professional Standards in Education


• One who holds a license to teach secondary education and teaches in a secondary school

• One who holds a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education and teaches in a program of early childhood education

• One who holds a license to teach elementary education and teaches in an elementary school

NRS 432.340

Committee for the Statewide Alert System


• Four members appointed by the Governor who represent state law enforcement agencies

• One representative of the public at large, appointed by the Governor from among the names of nominees provided to him

NRS 284.3627

Committee on Catastrophic Leave


• One member who is an executive officer of state agencies

• One representative of labor

NRS 388.1324

Committee on Statewide School Safety


• One representative who is the principal of a school in this State

• One person employed as a paraprofessional

• One provider of mental health other than a psychologist who provides services to pupils at a school in this State

• One parent or legal guardian of a pupil enrolled in a school in this State

• One pupil enrolled in a school in this State

NRS 389.510

Council for Establishment of Academic Standards for Public Schools


• One member appointed by the Governor, who is a parent or legal guardian of pupils who attend public schools

NRS 232.4966

Council on Food Security


• One member who is a representative of retailers of food

• One member who is a representative of manufacturing that is not related to food

• One member who is a representative of the gaming industry, hospitality industry or restaurant industry

• One member who is a representative of farmers or ranchers engaged in food production

• One member who is a representative of persons engaged in the business of processing or distributing food

• A person who is a representative of a food bank serving northern Nevada

• A person who is a representative of the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension

• A person who possesses knowledge, skill and experience in the provision of services to senior citizens and persons with disabilities

• A person who is a representative of a local health authority


Cyber Security Task Force


• One Tribal representative as recommended by the Nevada Indian Commission

NRS 287.250

Deferred Compensation Committee


• One member who is employed by a state agency whose payroll is administered by the Division of Human Resource Management of the Department of Administration, or a political subdivision that participates in the program

• One member employed by state agency whose payrolls are administered by the Division of Human Resource Management of the Dept. of Administration

NRS 432A.076

Early Childhood Advisory Council


• One member who is a representative of a tribal organization, with consideration given to an enrolled member of a Nevada Indian tribe

• One member appointed by the Governor

P.L. 99-457

Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council


• Two parents, including minority parents, of infants or toddlers with disabilities or children with disabilities aged 12 or younger, with knowledge of, or experience with, programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities

• One member shall be from the State educational agency responsible for preschool services to children with disabilities and shall have sufficient authority to engage in policy planning and implementation on behalf of such agency

• A representative from a Head Start agency or program in the state and a representative from a state agency responsible for childcare

• A representative from the Office of the Coordinator of Education of Homeless Children and Youth

• A representative from the State Foster Care agency

•  One Public/Private Service Provider, appointed by the Governor

•  One Native American Representative

NRS 399.015

Education Commission of the States


• One member appointed by the Governor

NRS 284.068

Employee-Management Committee


• Three members to serve as alternates for management representatives

• Three members to serve as alternate for the employee representatives

NRS 612.305

Employment Security Council


• One member who is a representative of employers

NRS 445B.200

Environmental Commission


• One member who possesses experience and expertise in advocating issues relating to conservation

NRS 233G.020

Governor’s Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust


• The Governor shall appoint one member of the Council from among residents of this State who are familiar with the events of the Holocaust

SEC 125

Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities


• Two individuals with developmental disabilities

Executive Order 2015-08

Governor's Workforce Development Board


• Two members appointed by the Governor

NRS 378A.030

Historical Records Advisory Board


• One person in charge of a state-funded historical agency who has responsibilities related to archives or records, or to both archives and records

NRS 233A.020

Indian Commission


• One member who is Indian

NRS 242.122

Information Technology Advisory Board


• Two representatives of using agencies which are major users of the services of the Division

NRS 563.010

Junior Livestock Show Board


• One member of the Board must be a member of the teaching staff of the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources of the University of Nevada, Reno

NRS 62B.600

Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission


• One director of juvenile services who must represent a county whose population is 700,000 or more

•  One member who is a volunteer who works with children who have been adjudicated delinquent.

• Three members who are under the age of 24 years at the time of appointment

NRS 223.910

Keep Nevada Working Task Force


• One member appointed jointly by the Governor and the Office for New Americans

NRS 321.740

Land Use Planning Advisory Council


• Three members, one from each county in this State who represents that county

NRS 380A.031

Libraries and Literary Council


• A classroom teacher who has demonstrated outstanding results in teaching children or adults to read

• One member as a representative of private sector employers

NRS 285.030

Merit Award Board


• One member appointed by and representing the Governor

NRS 514A.030

Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission


• One member appointed by the Governor

• Two members appointed by the Governor from a list of persons recommended by the Majority Leader of the Senate

• Two members appointed by the Governor from a list of persons recommended by the Speaker of the Assembly

NRS 381.002

Museums and History Advisory Board


•  One member who is qualified in architectural history

AB 153

Naprapathic Practice Advisory Board


• Two members who are licensed in naprapathy in this state or any other state

• Two members who are representatives of the public

NRS 385.760

Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring


• One member appointed by the Governor who is a resident of a county whose population is less than 100,000

NRS 701B.990

Nevada Clean Energy Fund


• One member appointed by the Governor from among a list of nominees submitted by the board of county commissioners of the county in this State with the second largest population

NRS 427A.750

Nevada Commission for Persons Who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired


• One member who is a member of the Nevada Association of the Deaf, or, if it ceases to exist one member who represents an organization which has a membership of persons who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired

• One nonvoting member who is the Executive Director of the Nevada Telecommunications Association or, in the event of its dissolution, who represents the telecommunications industry

• One member who represents educators in this State and has knowledge concerning the provision of communication services to persons hearing or speech impaired in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary schools and the laws concerning the provision of those services

• One member who is the parent/ guardian of a child who is less than 6 years old and is deaf/ hard of hearing

NSR 232.4981

Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing


• One member who is not currently homeless but has experienced homelessness in the past, appointed by the Governor

29 USCA § 725

Nevada State Rehabilitation Council


• One representative of the client assistance program

• One qualified vocational rehabilitation counselor, with knowledge of and experience with vocational rehabilitation programs, who shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Council if the counselor is an employee of the designated State agency

• One representative of business, industry, and labor

• One representative of disability advocacy groups

• One member in a State in which one or more projects are funded under section 741 of this title, at least one representative of the directors of the projects located in such State

• One representative of the State workforce investment board

45 CFR 2550.80

Nevada Volunteers


• One member appointed by the Governor.

• An individual with experience in promoting the involvement of older adults in service and volunteerism.

• A representative of local government in the State.

• A representative of local labor organizations in the State.

• A representative of business.

• A representative of a national service program

NRS 417.230

Northern Nevada Veterans' Cemetery Advisory Committee


• One member of veterans' organizations recognized nationally, appointed by the governor

NRS 618.565

Occupational Safety and Health Review Board


• One member who is a representative of management

NRS 640A.080

Occupational Therapy Board


• One member who is a representative of the general public

NRS 634A.030

Oriental Medicine Board


• One member licensed and currently engage in the practice of Oriental medicine

• The Governor shall appoint one member to the Board who is licensed as a physician

• One member to the Board who does not engage in the administration of a facility for Oriental medicine or a school for Oriental medicine

• One member to the Board who represents a school or college of Oriental medicine whose establishment has been approved by the Board

NRS 633.181

Osteopathic Medicine Board


• One member appointed by the Governor, must be licensed and have engaged in the practice of osteopathic medicine in Nevada for more than 5 years

NRS 439.908

Patient Protection Commission


• One member who is a physician or registered nurse who practices primarily at a federally qualified health center

• One member who is a pharmacist at a pharmacy not affiliated with any chain of pharmacies or a person who has expertise and experience in advocating on behalf of patients

•One member who is a pharmacist not affiliated with any chain of pharmacies/ person with expertise and experience in advocating on behalf of patient

• One member who is a physician or registered nurse who practices primarily at fed-qualified health center


• One member who is a provider of health care who operates for-profit business to provide health care

• One member who represents a nonprofit public hospital that is located in the county of Nevada that spends the largest amount of money on hospital care

• One member who is a registered nurse who practices primarily at nonprofit hospital

• One member who is with expertise and experienced in advocating on behalf of patients

NRS 289.500

Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission


• One member from a metropolitan police department

 NRS 284.030

Personnel Commission


• One member who is a representative of the general public and has a demonstrated interest in or knowledge of the principles of public personnel administration

• Two alternate members to serve when the regular member is unable to attend a meeting of the Commission

NRS 563.290

Rangeland Resource Commission


• Two members appointed by the Governor

• The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association or its successor organization

• The Nevada Woolgrowers’ Association or its successor organization

• The Nevada Farm Bureau or its successor organization


Regional Transmission Task Force


• A representative of the Nevada Indian Commission

• A representative of the Office of Economic Development

NRS 433.429

Rural Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board


• The Governor shall appoint to each policy board one member who has extensive experience in the delivery of social services in the field of behavioral health, including, without limitation, directors, or officers of social service agencies in the behavioral health region

NRS 232.162

Sagebrush Ecosystem Council


• One member who represents agricultural interests

• One member who represents the general public

•One member who represents ranching interests

•One member who represents local government

NRS 176.0133

Sentencing Commission


• One member who is a representative of an organization that advocates on behalf of inmates, appointed by the Governor

NRS 637B.100

Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board


•  One member who is a hearing aid specialist

• One member who is a speech-language pathologists

NRS 477.071

State Board of Fire Services


• A chief officer, person of equivalent rank or any other person who is experienced in fire service training and represents a fully paid fire department

NRS 459.3864

State Emergency Response Commission


• One member representing the private sector and regulated industry

• Two members representing state government with an affiliation with the fire service, law enforcement, occupational safety and health, environmental protection, emergency management, and health

•  One member representing the private sector and regulated industry

NRS 388A.150

State Public Charter School Authority


• One member appointed by the Governor

NRS 391A.130

Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs


• One member who is a teacher appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada State Education Association

• One member who is an administrator at a public school employed to provide administrative services at the school level and not to provide administrative services at the district level, appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada Association of School Administrators

NRS 607.218

Task Force on Employee Misclassification


• One person who represents an employer located in this State that employs more than 500 full-time or part-time employees

• One person who represents an employer located in this State that employs 500 or fewer full-time or part-time employees

• One person who represents organized labor in this State

• One person who represents a governmental agency that administers laws governing employee misclassification

NRS 706.8818

Taxicab Authority


• One member of Authority is appointed by the Governor

NRS 205A.040

Technological Crime Advisory Board


• One or more persons to represent major sectors of the economy of this State that are impacted significantly by technological crimes

• One or more persons who are employees of a public educational institution within this State

• One or more persons who are residents of this State and who are employed by the Federal Government

NRS 417.150


Veterans' Services Commission


•  Two members who are representatives of the general public