WHEREAS, on August 14, 2021, the Caldor Fire started burning in California's El Dorado County and has grown exponentially in size, having burned over 175,000 acres, destroying over 600 structures, closing numerous transportation routes, and threatening the lives, property, and safety of residents and visitors in the impacted areas; and
WHEREAS, on August 17, 2021, Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency for El Dorado County as a result of the Caldor Fire; and
WHEREAS, the Caldor Fire is now approaching the Lake Tahoe Basin and poses an imminent threat to South Lake Tahoe and its surrounding communities, as well as, the State of Nevada; and
WHEREAS, the residents and visitors of South Lake Tahoe, and its surrounding communities, are under evacuation orders; and
WHEREAS, due to the closure of numerous transportation routes in California as a result of the Caldor Fire, the residents and visitors of South Lake Tahoe, California, and its surrounding communities, are being directed to evacuate via State Route 28 and US 50 into Douglas County and Carson City, Nevada; State Route 207 into Douglas County, Nevada, and State Route 431 into Washoe County, Nevada; and
WHEREAS, as of noon on August 30, 2021, numerous evacuees have arrived at shelters in Douglas County and Carson City; and
WHEREAS, the evacuation of more than 20,000 residents and visitors in South Lake Tahoe, and its surrounding communities, into Douglas and Washoe counties, as well as Carson City, will create unsafe road conditions, overwhelmed community services, fuel shortages, as well as, an insufficient sheltering for the evacuees; and
WHEREAS, the State of Nevada, and specifically, the counties of Douglas and Washoe, as well as, Carson City, are experiencing a significant resource shortage in responding to the evacuation of displaced California residents; and
WHEREAS, the National Weather Service issued a red flag warning at approximately 10:30am on August 30, 2021, and predicts 30-50 mph winds in the South Lake Tahoe, Douglas County, and Carson City area from 2:00pm August 30, 2021 through 11:00pm September 1, 2021; and
WHEREAS, Douglas County's resource shortage is further exacerbated by the need to pre-position resources and conduct advance planning in anticipation of the Caldor Fire entering the State of Nevada in the coming days; and
WHEREAS, Nevada Revised Statute 414.070 authorizes the Governor to issue a proclamation declaring a state of emergency when a natural disaster of major proportions has occurred within this state, and the assistance of state agencies is needed to supplement the efforts and capabilities of political subdivisions to save lives, protect property, and protect the health and safety of persons in this state; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Steve Sisolak, Governor of the State of Nevada, pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Nevada, hereby declare a state of emergency and direct all state agencies to supplement the efforts of political subdivisions to save lives, protect property, and protect the health and safety of persons in this state; and,
FURTHERMORE, I, as Governor, authorize and direct the that the State of Nevada mobilize and make available all State resources necessary to respond to the Caldor Fire; and
FURTHERMORE, pursuant to NRS 414.060(3)(f), I hereby delegate to Douglas County the authority to compel evacuation of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the County, should it determine that it is necessary or prudent to do so. Additionally, I hereby authorize Douglas County to subdelegate that authority to any county official, department, or agency, as the County deems proper.