WHEREAS, all children in Nevada should have access to the highest-quality education possible; and
WHEREAS, Nevada recognizes the important role that an effective education plays in preparing all students in Nevada to be successful adults; and
WHEREAS, quality education is critically important to the economic vitality of Nevada; and
WHEREAS, Nevada is home to a multitude of high quality public and nonpublic schools from which parents can choose for their children, in addition to families who educate their children in the home; and
WHEREAS, educational variety not only helps to diversify our economy, but also enhances the vibrancy of our community; and
WHEREAS, Nevada has many high-quality teaching professionals in all types of school settings who are committed to educating our children; and
WHEREAS, School Choice Week is celebrated across the country by millions of students, parents, educators, schools and organizations to raise awareness of the need for effective educational options;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the week January 26 - February 1, 2025, as