WHEREAS, the State of Nevada is proud to recognize Peace Week commencing on the day Martin Luther King Jr. Day is observed and serves as a reminder to the residents of Nevada of our commitment to peace; and
WHEREAS, Peace Week is designed to foster a statewide movement for a culture of peace and is recognized as an opportunity for the residents of the Silver State to mark individual and organizational progress toward building such a culture; and
WHEREAS, education provided as part of Peace Week should be focused on helping students understand and manage conflict in their own lives and, from a greater perspective, learn how peace is fostered locally, statewide, nationally and internationally; and
WHEREAS, the activities of Peace Week are designed to empower the residents and visitors of this State to create peace in each person’s own life and in the lives of others; and
WHEREAS, the State of Nevada calls upon individuals, schools and businesses, as well as community and faith-based organizations to participate in the observance of one minute of silence for peace at noon on the second day of Peace Week; and
WHEREAS, Peace Week in the State of Nevada encourages all residents to take part in activities that contribute to the creation of a more peaceful, compassionate, knowledgeable and unified State and world;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the week of January 20-25, 2025 as