WHEREAS, Patti Zahnter is retiring from the Nevada Department of Taxation on January 31, 2025, with 28 years of loyal, diligent and exceptional public service to the State of Nevada; and
WHEREAS, Patti began her career with the State of Nevada on July 6, 1992; and
WHEREAS, Patti has served as a constant source of information and encouragement and has been a role model for all those who have known or have worked with her. Her commitment and knowledge have been invaluable to the State and to the Department of Taxation; and
WHEREAS, Patti has had a profound influence on all people that she has had contact with by exhibiting care and compassion for her co-workers and for all citizens of Nevada. Patti is described by her friends and co-workers as a team player, helpful, dedicated, creative, and self-motivated; and
WHEREAS, Patti has distinguished herself through commitment and service throughout the years and will be sincerely missed, both professionally and personally, by all who have had the pleasure and good fortune to work with her; and
WHEREAS, the citizens of the Silver State and the men and women of the Department of Taxation have benefited greatly from the dedication of Jennifer Roebuck. We join in wishing her hearty congratulations and thank you for a job well done;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim January 31, 2025, as a day in honor of