WHEREAS, parents driving children to school can account for up to 25 percent of the morning rush hour traffic in the vicinity of schools; and
WHEREAS, walking and bicycling to school reduces the number of vehicle trips near schools and potential conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians or cyclist; and
WHEREAS, reducing the number of vehicles driving students to school results in increased safety, reduced traffic congestion, improved air quality, and less fuel consumption; and
WHEREAS, the benefits related to physical activity at an early age play a leading role reducing rates of heart disease, diabetes, and other obesity-related health problems among children; and
WHEREAS, children walking and bicycling to school together with parents and caregivers opens opportunities to mentor children about pedestrian and bicycle safety and its benefits related to health and the environment; and
WHEREAS, walking and bicycling to school offers an opportunity to build physical activity into daily routines; and
WHEREAS, children, parents, and community leaders throughout the Silver State are joining together to walk and bicycle to school on Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim October 9, 2024, as