WHEREAS, Sarah Winnemucca, a princess of the Paiute Nation, was born in 1844 in Western Nevada where her grandfather was Chief of the Tribe; and
WHEREAS, Sarah Winnemucca learned to communicate in five languages, English, Spanish and three Native American dialects; before she reached the age of 14; and
WHEREAS, Sarah Winnemucca spent much of her life negotiating two conflicting cultures with the aim to promote understanding and improving life for the Paiute people; and
WHEREAS, she served as a translator for the Armed Forces of the United States, addressed President Rutherford B. Hayes and Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz about the plight of the Paiute Tribe; and
WHEREAS, she performed more than 300 lectures across several states dramatizing the harshness of life for people confined to a reservation, founded a school and published a memoir, all before women in the United States had secured the right to vote; and
WHEREAS, Sarah Winnemucca, a native of Nevada, is one of the most influential and charismatic Native American women in American history; and
WHEREAS, Sarah Winnemucca died on October 16, 1891, and this date is an opportunity to recognize and remember the important contributions she made to the Paiute Tribe, the State of Nevada, and the United States;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim October 16, 2024, as