WHEREAS, the citizens of Nevada stand firmly committed to quality afterschool and out-of-school-time programs and opportunities because they provide safe and engaging learning experiences that help children realize their full potential and support working families by ensuring their children are safe and productive when they are out of their classrooms; and
WHEREAS, they build stronger communities by involving students, parents, business leaders and adult volunteers in the lives of young people. Afterschool programs provide a solid return on investment. Every $1 invested in afterschool programs saves at least $3 by increasing kids' earning potential, improving kids' performance at school, and reducing crime, and juvenile delinquency; and
WHEREAS, afterschool programs provide critical support for Nevada’s children and youth, offering them new experiences and opportunities along with hands-on learning that help them learn and grow. Youth who attend afterschool programs attend school more often, do better in school, and gain important work and life skills. These supports are more important today; and
WHEREAS, the state of Nevada is committed to the education and well-being of our youth, and recognizes that quality afterschool programs prepare our children to become successful adults to help our community thrive; and
WHEREAS, Lights On Afterschool, the national celebration of afterschool programs held this year on October 24, 2024, promotes the importance of quality afterschool programs in the lives of children, families, and communities; and
WHEREAS, the demand for afterschool programs continues to grow; for every child in a program, four are waiting to get in; and
WHEREAS, many afterschool programs across the country are facing operating challenges so severe that they are forced to consider closing their doors and turning off their lights; and
WHEREAS, Nevada is committed to investing in the health and safety of all young people by providing expanded learning opportunities that help our children learn and grow, while helping them develop the skills essential for success in life and work;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim October 24, 2024, as