WHEREAS, the month of October has been recognized on an annual basis as Arts and Humanities Month by thousands of arts and cultural organizations, communities, and states across the country; and
WHEREAS, the arts and humanities embody much of the accumulated wisdom, intellect, and imagination of humankind; and
WHEREAS, the arts and humanities enhance and enrich the lives of every resident of the Silver State; and
WHEREAS, , the arts and humanities improve Nevadan's education and health and well-being; and
WHEREAS, the arts and humanities strengthen the lives of our families, our communities, our state, and our country by promoting connection to our heritage that defines both our nation's collective experience and our individual and community traditions, and our right to live lives of active creativity; and
WHEREAS, the arts and humanities develop an innovative and globally competitive workforce, contributing over $10.8 billion and over 43,000 jobs to the economy, and is 4.9% of Nevada's GDP; and
WHEREAS, Nevada - through the Nevada Arts Council and Nevada Humanities representing hundreds of cultural organizations - has celebrated the value and importance of culture in the lives of Nevadans and the health of thriving communities throughout the year and during National Arts and Humanities Month;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the month of October 2024 as