WHEREAS, all children have the right to read and access high quality literature in a variety of formats, both print and digital, that reflect their circumstances, experiences and cultures, open doors into the lives of others, broaden their knowledge, and celebrate our diverse world; and
WHEREAS, all Nevada educators, parents, community members and stakeholders work together to ensure that every student masters the necessary literacy skills needed to reach their full potential in life; and
WHEREAS, educators in Nevada are dedicated to supporting effective reading instruction across all grade levels and in recognition of their deep and abiding commitment to prioritize reading instruction for their students; and
WHEREAS, celebrating Nevada Reading Week motivates students to read and commemorates the pivotal role that reading plays within our communities, affecting our students' current circumstances, and impacting their future contributions to the Silver State; and
WHEREAS, the mission of Nevada Reading Week is to inspire and instill the joy and importance of reading across Nevada, with the Nevada Reading Week theme for 2024, being Embrace the Magic of Reading;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the week of March 4 - 8, 2024 as