WHEREAS, one in every 772 babies is born with Down syndrome, representing
approximately 5,100 births per year in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), the leading human rights
organization for all individuals with Down syndrome, empowers individuals with Down
syndrome and their families by driving policy change, providing resources, engaging with local
communities, and shifting public perceptions; and
WHEREAS, consistent with their Community Engagement initiatives, NDSS is committed to raise awareness among the public, connect individuals and families within the community, and raise funds for local and national organizations that support the Down syndrome community; and
WHEREAS, on March 23, 2024, in celebration of World Down Day, NDSS held their annual
relay-style Run for 3.21, covering over 340 miles, in extreme weather, through the Mojave
Desert, from Santa Monica, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada; and
WHEREAS, in keeping with the NDSS Community Engagement initiatives, Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada (DSOSN) has coordinated the gathering of representatives from the Governor's Office, Clark County Commissioners, Las Vegas Metro Police Department, and other local nonprofit organizations to meet, greet, and give a "Las Vegas Welcome" to the team of NDSS runners at the iconic Las Vegas Welcome Sign; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim March 21, 2024 as