WHEREAS, since time immemorial, the Great Basin has been home to the Washoe, the Northern Paiute, the Southern Paiute, the Western Shoshone, and the Mojave people who now encompass 28 Nations, Bands and Colonies, each having unique traditions and identities that span generations; and
WHEREAS, a high-quality education develops minds, opens hearts, nurtures talents, and solidifies character; and
WHEREAS, elders, aunties, elected officials, and all relatives work to build stronger communities knowing that traditional and public education leads to a greater quality of life, wellness, and equality; and
WHEREAS, over 200 Native learners have attended college with financial assistance from the Waiver of Fees offered for all Native American Tribal citizens to attend any Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) institutions; and
WHEREAS, our Native learners still need additional support as high school graduation rates for our students have dropped despite the work of hundreds of amazing Native American educators, counselors, nurses, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, and other school staff and administrators; and
WHEREAS, there is a federal trust responsibility for Native education rooted through federal law, and U.S. Supreme Court decisions; and
WHEREAS, since March 2008, the American Indian/ Alaska Native Education Summit has brought educators and stakeholders together to discuss the state of Indian Education in Nevada; and
WHEREAS, American Indian Education Day provides a state-wide platform to recognize and celebrate how Nevada's Tribal Nations have enriched the citizens of this state by teaching and sharing their history, language, and culture; and
WHEREAS, all Native American stakeholders can take home new strategies, help motivate other educators, and build greater community as we continue to work to create opportunities for the next generation;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim March 26, 2024, as