WHEREAS, mining is an integral part of Nevada's history and vital to its future, and is poised to be the Nation’s leader in lithium production, processing, manufacturing, and recycling achieving the full lithium loop; and
WHEREAS, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are approximately 15,008 people directly employed by the Nevada mining industry plus an additional 20,500 indirect or induced jobs, and over 2,200 Nevada businesses rely on the mining industry; and
WHEREAS, Nevada produces 23 metals and minerals, which account for about 9%, by value, of the nation's non-fuel mineral production; and
WHEREAS, Nevada ranks fifth in the world in gold production, after China, Australia, Russia, Canada and is also a global leader in the production of diatomite and gypsum; and
WHEREAS, our clothing, electronic devices, cars, and roads begin with mining, and everything harvested, manufactured, or transported require minerals that come from the earth; and
WHEREAS, benefitting from a large and diverse mineral endowment, Nevada is well-positioned to successfully adapt to a changing environment and climate; and
WHEREAS, Nevada metals and minerals are required for renewable energy production and utilization, which includes silver for solar panels, copper for electric vehicles, and lithium for batteries; and
WHEREAS, the mining industry produced $8.9 billion in gross proceeds of metals and minerals through mining operations located in every county of the state, and made up 4.5% of Nevada's GDP; and
WHEREAS, the State of Nevada calls upon the news media, educators, and state officials to recognize and bring attention to Mineral Industry Week as an opportunity for Nevadans to learn more about the history of mining in the Silver State and the role it plays in the development of the culture and economy of its people;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the week of June 2-8, 2024, as