WHEREAS, September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Month, a time when millions of people around the world join their voices to raise awareness of suicide prevention, treatment, and recovery; and
WHEREAS, this is a time that is dedicated to bringing visibility to the role everyone in the community can play in preventing suicide and to encourage all community members to know the signs, find the words, and reach out to someone they are concerned about; and
WHEREAS, the 2023 theme for this month of awareness and recognition is 'Creating Hope Through Action,' and is an opportunity for all Nevadans to support their friends, family and neighbors with messages of hope and healing; and
WHEREAS, the Zero Suicide Program continues to work to remove the stigma associated with mental illness and suicidality, by encouraging Nevadans at risk for suicide to seek life-saving assistance and urging all Nevadans to play a role in prevention, and promotion of health and wellness; and
WHEREAS, the Nevada Office of Suicide Prevention is dedicated to collaborating with community partners in development and implementation of evidence-based suicide prevention, intervention and postvention strategies, as well as educate about the warning signs of suicide, the values of prevention and the best methods to support those in need; and
WHEREAS, 988 is the national number for suicide prevention which can be reached by calling, texting, or chatting online and will connect those in need with a trained crisis counselors any time, day or night; and
WHEREAS, September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day, which has been recognized internationally and is supported by the World Health Organization; and this day is an opportunity for all Nevadans to join together to raise awareness and support their communities;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the month of September 2023 as