Proclamation Declaring a Severe Weather Emergency
WHEREAS, Hurricane Hilary made landfall as a tropical storm in the southwest region of the United States; and
WHEREAS, as a result of the tropical storm, severe weather systems impacted southern and central Nevada, bringing heavy precipitation, which caused flash flooding, rockslides, and mudslides across the state; and
WHEREAS, the counties of Clark, Esmerelda, Mineral, and Nye have declared an emergency and are seeking assistance from the State of Nevada in their response and recovery; and
WHEREAS, the counties Clark, Esmerelda, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, and Nye have experienced significant damage to public and private property, including extensive damage to multiple transportation routes that require immediate repair; and
WHEREAS, the State of Nevada will require assistance from the Federal Highway Administration on the repair of the following federal-aid highways due to wash out, shoulder erosion, debris removal, and drainage repair and replacement: State Route (SR) 156, SR 157, and SR 158 in Clark County, SR 267 in Esmerelda County, SR 376 in Lander County, SR 317 in Lincoln County, SR 361 in Mineral County, and SR 267 and SR 376 in Nye County; and
WHEREAS, the damages sustained on SR 156, SR 157, SR 158, SR 267, SR 317, SR 361, and SR 376 require immediate repair, and the conditions constitute an emergency as is contemplated by the terms of Sections 125 and 120(e) of Title 23, U.S.C.; and,
WHEREAS, the damages sustained on SR 156, SR 157, SR 158, SR 267, SR 317, SR 361, and SR 376 require immediate repair, and the conditions constitute an emergency as is contemplated by the terms of Sections 125 and 120(e) of Title 23, U.S.C.; and,
WHEREAS, in order to protect residents and visitors, communities, and critical infrastructure, the State of Nevada will coordinate its emergency response with federal, state, local, and tribal entities; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in order to protect residents and visitors, communities, and critical infrastructure, the State of Nevada will coordinate its emergency response with federal, state, local, and tribal entities; and
- All state agencies shall work through the Nevada Operations Center to support local entities in need.
- The Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security shall work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers to support local governments.
- The Nevada Department of Transportation shall formally request assistance through the Federal Highway Administration's Emergency Relief Program, United States Code, Title 23, section 125, in order to obtain federal assistance for highway repairs or reconstruction.
- This declaration will expire on September 8, 2023, unless terminated sooner.