WHEREAS, Americans are still Missing in Action (MIA) and unaccounted for from wars to include World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and recent conflicts; and their families, friends and Americans across our nation still deal with uncertainty regarding the fates of the unaccounted; and
WHEREAS, on July 18, 1979, the first National Commemoration to honor American Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action was held at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.; and
WHEREAS, National POW/MIA Recognition Day has been designated as the third Friday of September with ceremonies held throughout the nation and around the world; and
WHEREAS, the State of Nevada honors those Americans who have been held as Prisoners of War (POW) and are committed to seeing all those still Missing in Action accounted for and returned home to rest on American soil; and
WHEREAS, we will honor and remember the American heroes who selflessly served our country and recognize the families, friends and communities affected by the loss of all POW/MIA Americans still missing; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim September 15, 2023 as