WHEREAS, Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the territories that now constitute the United States of America; and
WHEREAS, Native Americans have made invaluable contributions to the economic and cultural heritage of our nation, and continue to occupy a special place in the history of our nation; and
WHEREAS, the Silver State is home to the Great Basin Native American tribes, the Washoe, Northern Paiute, Southern Paiute, Western Shoshone and Mojave which encompass 28 Tribal Nations, Bands and Colonies, each having unique traditions and identities spanning generations; and
WHEREAS, Nevada’s Tribal Nations continue to promote the diversity and cultural vitality of the Silver State by ensuring that the story of Nevada’s Tribal Nations is shared through oral histories, dance, native regalia, and traditional foods; and
WHEREAS, the culture, customs, and traditions of Nevada’s Tribal Nations represent an integral component of our state’s identity, and should be celebrated and preserved for the education and benefit of present and future generations; and
WHEREAS, the great State of Nevada wishes to proudly recognize the outstanding contributions of Nevada’s Indigenous people, commemorate the achievements of the Tribal Nations community in Nevada and invite all Nevadans to celebrate our state’s Native American heritage, culture, and history;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim September 22, 2023 as