WHEREAS, Hispanic Heritage Week was first observed under President Lyndon B. Johnson, but it was later extended to a month-long celebration under President Ronald Reagan in 1988; and
WHEREAS, throughout September, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua celebrate the anniversaries of their independence; and
WHEREAS, Nevada is a state which values diversity and a wide variety of cultural traditions; and
WHEREAS, according to the 2020 Census of the United States Census Bureau, approximately 29 percent of the population in Nevada are Hispanic and Latinos, making Nevada the fifth largest Hispanic and Latino statewide population share nationwide; and
WHEREAS, the Hispanic and Latino communities have made immeasurable contributions to Nevada through their work to protect our freedoms in the military, help feed our families by working as farm workers, inspire our children as educators, lead through government office, advance our society through science and technology; and
WHEREAS, the 2023 national theme for Hispanic Heritage Month is 'Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power, and Progress in America', and in keeping with that theme, we encourage all Nevadans to acknowledge and celebrate the strides of progress the Latino community has made in our state and country that has undoubtedly strengthened the fabric of our society; and
WHEREAS, in every corner of our State, Hispanic and Latino Americans have filled our communities with rich traditions and abundant culture, and the Silver State is proud to recognize their many contributions to our State and nation during Hispanic Heritage Month;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim September 15, 2023 as