WHEREAS, manufacturing is the cornerstone of the nation's economy and the fastest growing and in demand sector in Nevada, adding to the overall health, strength, and diversification of the economy; and
WHEREAS, manufacturing bolsters economic growth and provides stable jobs for skilled workers; and
WHEREAS, manufacturing has added 9.45 billion annually to Nevada's economy since 2021 and employs more than 65,000 Nevadans in highly skilled, well-paid positions, that significantly contribute to Nevada's high standard of living and economic continuity; and
WHEREAS, manufacturing in Nevada pays an average annual earnings per job of $89,993 and makes up 4.9 percent of the total employment in Nevada with a projected 8.12 percent increase for the manufacturing industry over the next seven years; and
WHEREAS, Nevada is strengthening its manufacturing workforce by investing in skills-based education and making workforce development and education a priority so that manufacturing maintains solvency and manufacturers can continue to draw from an outstanding qualified pool of talent; and
WHEREAS, October will feature events throughout the state to celebrate Nevada's growing manufacturing sector and highlight its vital role in our economy. Events will showcase advanced manufacturing technologies and connect manufacturing companies, with the current and future workforce and will include multiple career fairs, open houses at various high schools and higher education training centers with career and technical education programs and student field trips to manufacturer's locations;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the month of October 2023 as