Seal of the State of Nevada

WHEREAS, on November 2, 2023, Richard C. Fenlason is retiring from the Division of Public and Behavioral Health: Emergency Medical Services after a total of 24 years of loyal, diligent and exceptional public service to the State of Nevada; and

WHEREAS, Richard began his career with the State of Nevada in 1999, as an Emergency Medical Services Representative II, at Emergency Medical Services where he served for his entire State career; and

WHEREAS, Richard championed standards for permitted Emergency Medical and Fire Services in the state including development of required list of equipment carried on ambulances; and

WHEREAS, Richard became a moulage artist to increase realism seen during training events with our state Public Health Preparedness and our Federal Partners and thereby improving the skills of first responders to events involving mass casualty; and

WHEREAS, Richard oversaw Emergency Support Units for use in disasters, he developed the training program for use of the Emergency Support Units that was presented around the state; and

WHEREAS, Richard worked with our state Public Health Preparedness partners during actual events, including managing the Strategic National Stockpile, or delivering supplies from the Strategic National Stockpile around the great state of Nevada; and

WHEREAS, Richard has served as a cognitive and psychomotor exam proctor for over 18 years for emergency medical technicians and paramedic candidates; and

WHEREAS, during his 24 years of service, Richard has worked under five Governors including Kenny Guinn, Jim Gibbons, Brian Sandoval, Steve Sisolak and Joe Lombardo as well as countless Agency Managers and Administrators including recent Division Administrator Cody Phinney and current Agency Manager Bobbie Sullivan; and

WHEREAS, the Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Emergency Medical Services on behalf of its employees and clients, extend to Richard C. Fenlason sincere appreciation and gratitude for his 24 years of outstanding commitment and excellence in service to the Citizens of the Silver State. He is able to leave his position with dignity and grace knowing that he has made a difference in our community;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim November 2, 2023 as a day in honor of


Footer State Seal

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Nevada to be affixed at the State Capitol in Carson City, this 30th day of October, 2023

Governor's signature