Seal of the State of Nevada

WHEREAS, Kelly Carlson is retiring from the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services after 30 years of loyal, diligent, and exceptional public service to the State of Nevada; and

WHEREAS, Kelly began her professional career with the State of Nevada on August 2, 1993. She worked at the Department of Motor Vehicles in September 1996; and

WHEREAS, Kelly then moved to the Division of Welfare & Supportive Services/Child Support Enforcement Program on April 10, 2006 as a Family Services Specialist III where she assisted families by making child support a more reliable source of income; and

WHEREAS, due to her extensive child support knowledge and strong leadership skills, Kelly was promoted to the position of Family Services Supervisor in the Division of Welfare & Supportive Services/Child Support Enforcement Program on January 4, 2016; and

WHEREAS, Kelly was, at the time of her retirement, one of only two original remaining members of the Nevada Intergovernmental Initiating Office (NIIO) which was created in February 2012; and

WHEREAS, Kelly served under six Nevada Governors, Bob Miller, Kenny Guinn, Jim Gibbons, Brian Sandoval, Steve Sisolak and Joe Lombardo; and

WHEREAS, the Division of Welfare & Supportive Services, on behalf of its employees and customers, extend heartfelt gratitude to Kelly for her 30 years of commitment and service to the citizens of the Silver State;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim November 2, 2023 as a day in honor of


Footer State Seal

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Nevada to be affixed at the State Capitol in Carson City, this 30th day of October, 2023

Governor's signature