Proclamation Declaring a Severe Weather Emergency
WHEREAS, Nevada Revised Statute 414.070 authorizes the Governor to issue a proclamation declaring a state of emergency when a natural disaster of major proportions has occurred within the State, the assistance of state and federal agencies is needed to supplement the efforts and capabilities of political subdivisions to save lives, and the invocation of the Governor's emergency powers is necessary to protect the health and safety of persons in the State; and
WHEREAS, a series of heavy, continuous winter storms and unsettled weather conditions have compounded to create a historically large snowpack in the Sierra Nevada and similarly aggressive storms are anticipated to continue impacting parts of the State of Nevada in the corning weeks; and
WHEREAS, a severe weather system beginning on March 9, 2023, is affecting several counties in northern Nevada including the counties of Churchill, Douglas and Lyon, with heavy rainfall and the potential of significant flooding throughout the region; and
WHEREAS, the severe weather system has damaged Nevada roadways and threatens to damage residential and commercial structures as well as public infrastructure in the affected areas, as well as the health, safety, and welfare of persons in this state; and
WHEREAS, as of March 10, 2023, the counties of Churchill, Douglas, Lyon have declared a state of emergency due to the effects and ongoing effects of the severe weather system; and
WHEREAS, the counties of Churchill, Douglas, Lyon are experiencing a significant economic impact in providing emergency services in preparation for the severe weather system and anticipate continued economic obligations resulting in financial hardship for short-term response and long-term recovery of the affected areas; and
WHEREAS, the counties of Churchill, Douglas, and Lyon require the assistance of state government to save lives, protect property, and protect the health and safety of persons in this state; and
WHEREAS, other affected counties and the various tribal nations will continued to be monitored and may be added to this declaration should conditions worsen and as information becomes available.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Joe Lombardo, Governor of the State of Nevada, pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Nevada, hereby declare a state of emergency due to the severe weather system affecting northern Nevada and the consequent danger to life and damage to property, and direct all state agencies in conjunction with federal partners to supplement the efforts of the counties of Churchill, Douglas, and Lyon to save lives, protect property, and protect the health and safety of persons in this state.
Unless renewed, this limited declaration shall expire in fifteen (15) days.