WHEREAS, approximately 61 million, or about 1 in 4 adults in the United States live with a disability and every person, regardless of disability, has valuable strengths and provide important contributions to our communities; and
WHEREAS, there are an estimated 269,000 people in the Silver State over the age of five who have some form of disability and of the 189,546 individuals in Nevada aged 18-64 with a disability, about 74,151 have a developmental disability. Nevadans, both with and without disabilities, work, play, learn, and grow together; and
WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly disrupted the lives of all Nevadans, this is especially true for those with disabilities as they are often presented with additional complications and challenges; and
WHEREAS, people with developmental disabilities in Nevada have the right to live independent lives in areas including education, employment, housing, entertainment, dining, and recreation; and
WHEREAS, families of people with developmental disabilities provide care, commitment, and ongoing support that is essential to engaging people with different abilities in an independent and productive life; and
WHEREAS, Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in Nevada provides an opportunity to celebrate the abilities and contributions of people with disabilities, and reflect on how they enrich our communities and enhance Nevada's diversity;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim February 10, 2023 as