WHEREAS, Robert Forderhase has provided 30 years of dedication to public service to the County of Washoe and the State of Nevada. He has provided outstanding service to the State of Nevada for the last 27 years of his career, working at the Division of Motor Vehicles, Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health, Division of Child and Family Services, Rural Clinics, Sierra Regional Center and Rural Regional Center; and
WHEREAS, Robert Forderhase has provided exceptional service as the Administrative Services Officer 3 at Sierra Regional Center and Rural Regional Center, providing professional knowledge, compassion and skill to the agency and the individuals served; and
WHEREAS, Robert Forderhase has been instrumental in developing and implementing policies, procedures surrounding the fiscal aspect of person-centered planning to benefit and enhance the life of the individuals served at Sierra Regional Center, Rural Regional Center and Developmental Services; and
WHEREAS, Robert Forderhase has a strong influence on all persons he comes in contact with, by exhibiting care and acceptance for his peers. He has been committed to making Sierra Regional Center and Rural Regional Center an exceptional agency and managing a budget to allow funding of high-quality services; and
WHEREAS, Robert Forderhase has been described by his coworkers as ethical, professional, kind, compassionate and creative. He will be missed personally and professionally by all who have had the pleasure to work with him; and
WHEREAS, On behalf of the citizens of the State of Nevada, we would like to thank and commend Robert Forderhase for his many years of dedicated and honorable service to our Silver State and wish him continued success in all of his future endeavors;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the day of February 2, 2023 as a day of honor of