WHEREAS, on February 3,2023 Lynnette Daniels is retiring from the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (Board), after nearly 22 years of outstanding public service to the citizens and state of Nevada; and
WHEREAS, Lynnette began her career with Board on May 1, 2001 as an administrative assistant to the General Counsel, and shortly thereafter became an both an Investigator and License Specialist with the Board and served in those capacities until she was promoted to the Board's Chief of Licensing in July of 2004, a position she has held ever since; and
WHEREAS, Lynnette has represented the Board admirably at national level over her career, serving on multiple committees and workgroups attached to the Federation of State Medical Boards, the Administrators in Medicine, and the National Practitioner Data Bank; and
WHEREAS, Lynnette has represented the Board admirably at the state level in numerous ways throughout her career, most recently leading the implementation and on-going administration of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, leading the Licensing Division through the COVID-19 crisis where the Board experienced an unprecedented surge in applications for licensure, and the Division receive high praise in a 2021 audit conducted by the Legislative Counsel Bureau; and
WHEREAS, during her years of service with the Board, Lynnette has worked for five Executive Directors of the Board, to include Larry Leslie, Tony Clark, Lewis Ling, Douglas Cooper and Edward Cousineau, as well as dozens of Board Members, and she was universally praised by all who had the pleasure and benefit of working with her; and
WHEREAS, the Board, its members and staff, extend to Lynnette Daniels sincere thanks and appreciation for her years of service and commitment to the citizens of the Silver State. She is able to leave her position with dignity and grace, knowing she has made the state of Nevada a better place because of her indefatigable service;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim February 3, 2023 as a day in honor of