WHEREAS, Jeff Lerud started his career with the Nevada Department of Transportation as an Engineering Student Aid 1, inspecting and rating concrete and asphalt from May of 1991 to August of 1991; and
WHEREAS, Jeff returned the next year as an Engineering Student Aid 2, helping in Roadway Design from May of 1992 to August of 1992; and
WHEREAS, Jeff was hired for another term as an Engineering Aid 2 and assisted in inspecting bridges, cattleguards and joints from May of 1993 to August of 1993; and
WHEREAS, in 1995, after completing his degree at the University of Nevada, Reno, Jeff began full-time employment at NDOT as an Associate Engineer in Roadway Design, before promoting to Senior Project Manager in Roadway Design; and
WHEREAS, in 2000, Jeff was promoted to Professional Engineer in the Traffic Operations Division where he helped implement the first ramp meters of southern Nevada; and
WHEREAS, Jeff was promoted to Project Manager in the Project Management Division in 2011, assisting with multiple projects including Project NEON, the Department's largest project still to date; and
WHEREAS, Jeff’s persistent commitment to the vision and mission of the Department led to his appointment as the Assistant Director of Engineering by Director Kristina Swallow in October of 2020, responsible for the design, engineering, and construction of NDOT contracts; and
WHEREAS, Jeff finishes his career under Director Tracy Larkin Thomason as the Deputy Director of Operations and Maintenance, serving in this capacity since February of 2021 and concludes his career with the Department of Transportation as an outstanding example of service to the State of Nevada with devotion, compassion, and humor;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim December 11, 2023 as a day in honor of