WHEREAS, Deana Cotroneo is retiring from the Department of Motor Vehicles on December 29, 2023, after more than 36 years of professional excellence and loyal service to the State of Nevada; and
WHEREAS, Deana started her career with the Department of Transportation on September 10, 1979, working part time as a student performing clerical work; and
WHEREAS, Deana took a pause from state service on March 26, 1982, only to return to state service as Accounting Assistant I on August 21, 1990, where she restarted her state career with the State Controller's Office. Deana continued to progress through various Accounting Assistant series after transferring to the State Treasurer's Office on August 21, 1992; and
WHEREAS, Deana was promoted to the Accounting Assistant III on September 7, 1993, for approximately 6 years; and
WHEREAS, Deana was then promoted to an Accountant Technician I on September 25, 2000, with the Department of Taxation; and
WHEREAS, Deana began her journey in the distinguished professional level position of Auditor II on October 13, 2003, and served in various professional level positions, such as Revenue Officer, Program Officer, and Management Analyst until she was promoted to Auditor III with the Department of Motor Vehicles on November 19, 2018; and
WHEREAS, Deana served honorably as an Auditor III with the Department of Motor Vehicles, Administrative Services Division for more than 5 years; and
WHEREAS, Deana will be sincerely missed, both professionally and personally, by all those who had the pleasure and good fortune to work with her. We wish her continued health, happiness, and joy in the years to come; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Motor Vehicles and the State of Nevada joins with co-workers and management in expressing our profound and sincere appreciation for Deana's 36 years of outstanding service to the state and this department and the residents of our Silver State, earning her right to enjoy a well-deserved and happy retirement with her daughter Brandy, her sons Kelly and Nate, her 5 grandchildren, and other family members all by her side;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim December 29, 2023, as a day in honor of