WHEREAS, the month of April is recognized as Month of the Military Child and was first established in 1986 by United States Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger to demonstrate to the children of military families that their personal sacrifices are acknowledge and appreciated; and
WHEREAS, military children and youth are faced with multiple deployments and long separations from their parents and loved ones that other children do not have to face; and
WHEREAS, over 15,000 of Nevada's youth are dependents of National Guard and Active Duty Service Members; and
WHEREAS, the average military student will attend six to nine different school systems throughout their lives from kindergarten to twelfth grade; and
WHEREAS, these brave sons and daughters are the backbone and source of steadfast support to their military parents and are instrumental in maintaining our nation's armed services; and
WHEREAS, military-connected children and youth are faced with separations from their parents and loved ones that other children do not have to face; and
WHEREAS, all Nevadans are encouraged to wear purple on April 15 to honor all military-connected children and show appreciation and gratitude for our military-connected youth; and
WHEREAS, I encourage all members of the military and their families and citizens of the Silver State to attend Month of the Military Child events and activities in your communities to honor all military children and show appreciation and gratitude for these outstanding youth;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the month of April 2023 as