WHEREAS, We join with victims' rights organizations, local law enforcement, Nevada residents, Marsey's Law for Nevada, the Office for Victims of Crime, the Division of Child and Family Services and U.S. Department of Justice, to call for the support of victims of crime; and
WHEREAS, crime victims' rights acts passed in Nevada in 1983 and at the federal level guarantee victims the right to meaningfully participate and use their voice in the criminal justice process; and
WHEREAS, victims of all ages, races, and socio-economic status are among the list of victimized. Nevada law, as approved in 2018 with Marsy's Law for Nevada, provides for constitutionally protected requirements, including but not limited to, the right to be treated with fairness and respect throughout the criminal justice process, the right to be notified of a defendant's impending release and be protected from the defendant, the right to notice of all public proceedings in the case, the right to be reasonably heard upon request at all public proceedings regarding the case, the right to full and timely restitution; and
WHEREAS, victim services providers, advocates, law enforcement officers, attorneys, and other allied professionals can help survivors find their justice by enforcing these rights; the right to provide an impact statement ensures that victims' voices are considered in court during the sentencing and, when applicable, restitution process; and
WHEREAS, including and elevating the voices of survivors makes certain they are heard and seen and creates a path to forging and sustaining community trust and engaging survivors creates responses and services that are credible, meaningful, and centered on individual needs; and
WHEREAS, We applaud the work of advocacy organizations statewide such as SafeNest, Nevada Coalition to END Domestic and Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence Resource Center, A Safe Embrace, Tu Casa Latina, HopeLink of So, NV, SAFE House, and many more advocates including Marsy's Law for Nevada, law enforcement, our judicial leaders and good citizens who stand up for the rights of victims and help them rebuild their lives after being victimized; and
WHEREAS, We stand with community partners, citizens, and colleagues across Nevada and nationwide to recognize the 42nd annual National Crime Victims' Rights Week, and recognize the importance of protections for victims of crime; and
WHEREAS, We call on Nevada residents and businesses to shine a light on the importance of crime victims' rights and GO PURPLE April 23rd to 29th;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim the day of April 23-29, 2023 as