WHEREAS, on April 30th, 2023 Kay Riehm is retiring from the Division of Public and Behavioral Health: Rural Clinics after a total of 27 years of loyal, diligent and exceptional public service to the State of Nevada; and
WHEREAS, Kay began her career with the State of Nevada in 1977 as an inpatient Mental Health Technician with Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services where she worked for approximately 10 years before leaving State service; and
WHEREAS, Kay returned to State service in 1995 as a Social Worker with the Division of Child and Family Services. She worked there approximately five years before leaving State service; and
WHEREAS, Kay returned to State service in 2008 as a Clinical Social Worker with Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services working across outpatient service programs, especially Case Management. She was promoted to a Clinical Program Manager 1; and
WHEREAS, Kay transferred to Rural Clinics in 2012 as a Mental Health Counselor. She was promoted to a Clinical Program Manager 1 in 2015; and
WHEREAS, Kay has provided valuable services to multiple persons, communities, and coworkers in multiple locations including Fallon, Fernley, Lovelock, and Winnemucca. She has touched the lives of many clients demonstrating a thorough knowledge and understanding of the goals of the Division and program requirements; and
WHEREAS, during her 27 years of service Kay has worked under five Governors including Kenny Guinn, Jim Gibbons, Brian Sandoval, Steve Sisolak, and Joe Lombardo as well as countless Agency Managers and Administrators including recent Division Administrator Lisa Sherych and current Interim Agency Manager Ellen Richardson-Adams; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Public and Behavioral Health: Rural Clinics on behalf of its employees and clients extend to Kay Riehm sincere appreciation and gratitude for her 27 years of outstanding commitment and excellence in service to the Citizens of the Silver State. She is able to leave her position with dignity and grace knowing that she has made a difference in our community;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOE LOMBARDO, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim April 28, 2023 as a day in honor of