Order Establishing a State of Nevada Planning Commission for the State's Participation in the America250 Commemoration of the Nation's Semiquincentennial
WHEREAS, the United States of America was established in 1776 by the signing of the Declaration of Independence; and
WHEREAS, our country's 250th anniversary, the semiquincentennial, will occur in 2026 and will be recognized nationally by the efforts in each state by America250, a nonpartisan initiative working to engage every American; and
WHEREAS, the planning of this initiative requires planning and coordination; and
WHEREAS, Article 5, Section I of the Nevada Constitution provides: "The supreme executive power of this State, shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate who shall be Governor of the State of Nevada."
NOW, THEREFORE by the authority vested in me as Governor by the Constitution and laws of the State of Nevada and the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1: The America250 Commission ("Commission'") for the State's efforts for the America250 initiative is hereby created. The Commission shall be comprised of at least seven individuals representing leading industries, urban and rural geographic locations, and diverse stakeholder populations in Nevada. Two of the members shall be the Commission·s Co-Chairs and any additional Commission members shall be named at my discretion. The Commission shall also perform the following functions:
1.Prepare a recommended timeline of programs, events, and initiatives. based on the recommendations of an Advisory Committee.
2. Apply for such grants and sponsorships as the Commission deems appropriate. with any awarded funds to be deposited in, and accounted for, by the Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural A(Tairs Foundation.
3.Recommend an overall fund raising plan for the programming of the initiative.
4.Recommend the membership of the state-wide Commission be appointed by the Governor no later than June 30. 2024.
5.Report on Commission progress to my Office no less than quarterly, beginning in October 2024 and with a final report to be delivered to my office no later than January 31, 2027. so that it may be presented to the 84th session of the Nevada Legislature.
Section 2: The Director of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs will serve ex officio as Executive Director of the Commission and shall, to the best of her ability and existing resources, coordinate the delivery of staffing services during the planning phase of the Commission's activity.
Section 3: The Commission may establish procedural bylaws to aid in the performance of its duties.
Section 4: The Commission may establish subcommittes comprised of Commission members to aid it in the performance of its duties.
Section 5: All records documenting the Commission's activites will be retained and transferred to the State Archives for permanent retention in accordance with state record retention policy.
Section 6: The Commission shall cease to exist on March 15, 2027.