Order Establishing the State of Nevada Energy Policies Objectives
WHEREAS, safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supplies are essential for the public welfare of the State of Nevada and are critical in supporting economic development and job growth;
WHEREAS, the state has tremendous capacity to develop and employ electric projects to be a leader in clean energy development through abundant renewable energy sources including solar, geothermal and wind resources;
WHEREAS, affordable, safe and reliable energy and delivery systems are extremely important for Nevada homes and businesses as they provide essential services to Nevadans and for attracting new businesses and industries to Nevada;
WHEREAS, continued investment in Nevada-based energy projects is necessary in order to have a balanced energy portfolio that includes renewable energy resources, low-carbon resources, including natural gas, and the utilization of regional transmission and infrastructure to acquire energy resources is necessary to ensure safe, reliable and affordable delivery of energy statewide;
WHEREAS, with overwhelming bipartisan support in the legislature, the passage of Senate Bill 358 in the 2019 Nevada Legislative Session established a goal to achieve a 50 percent renewable energy portfolio (RPS) standard by 2030;
WHEREAS, in order to achieve the objectives of Senate Bill 358 (2019) while still maintaining adequate energy resources, Nevada must pursue a balanced approach to energy use and development by utilizing all available energy and storage resources, including natural gas, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, hydrogen, energy efficiency and energy storage projects;
WHEREAS, Nevada has an existing skilled workforce that will be critical in maintaining, developing, building and operating energy projects throughout the state;
WHEREAS, Nevada must continue to advance policies to address climate change and reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through encouraging investment in new technologies and innovation;
WHEREAS, sustainability policies must be advanced while ensuring all Nevadans have affordable and reliable energy;
WHEREAS, the energy industry in Nevada will continue to set the standard for job creation in skilled trades, economic diversification, innovation and development of safe, reliable and affordable energy resources to the benefit of the entire state; and
WHEREAS, efforts to ensure energy stability and reliability through the production or acquisition of resources sufficient to meet the needs of all in-state users and to develop a balanced energy portfolio should be designed, developed and deployed in such a manner as to minimize energy cost borne by the state's residential and commercial users.
NOW, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as Governor by the Constitution and laws of the State of Nevada and the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1
The state's energy policy will be focused on developing and maintaining a robust, diverse energy supply portfolio and a balanced approach to electric and natural gas energy supply and transportation fuels that emphasizes affordability and reliability for consumers. This energy portfolio shall also advance sustainability and reliability by including solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, natural gas (for both electric generation and direct use in homes and businesses), hydrogen, energy storage, and other resources needed to meet the vast energy demands in the state.
Section 2
Nevada will develop sufficient in-state electric generation resources to ensure the needs of all Nevadans are met and ensure that Nevada has sufficient electric generation resources to mitigate the risk of energy markets not having sufficient electric energy supplies during peak usage periods. The state will also develop transmission and energy infrastructure to ensure that Nevada is a regional leader in exporting its solar, wind, and geothermal resources and has sufficient transmission to import dedicated resources that support Nevada's objectives of reliability, affordability and sustainability. Nevada's advancement of energy independence will spur economic development, lead job creation, drive low-cost energy for Nevadans and reduce carbon emissions for future generations of Nevadans.
Section 3
The energy policies pursued by this administration will focus on job creation, economic development and investment in our state by directing our energy providers to deliver affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to Nevada residents and businesses. These policies shall:
- Capitalize on the existing highly skilled workforce in the state;
- B. Promote job creation in the skilled trades and attract diverse talent by leveraging workforce development and career training programs through public/private partnerships with energy providers, colleges, universities, trade schools and labor groups within Nevada; and
- Focus on energy policies that encourage economic development and diversification, increasing investment in Nevada.
Section 4
The state's energy policies shall ensure all consumers and businesses continue to have diverse energy options available to them in their homes and businesses, including electric and natural gas service, energy efficiency and renewable energy resources.
Section 5
The state shall implement policies that reduce regulations and streamline the permitting process to provide for shorter approval timelines for energy projects while providing for appropriate environmental and cultural resource reviews. This will be a key factor in Nevada's economic development efforts to attract investment to our state. These policies include:
- Concurrent permit review at the state agency level. When applicable, state agencies and their subdivisions shall review permitting applications concurrently rather than sequentially.
- The Governor and appropriate state agencies shall advocate for concurrent and/or expedited review at the Federal level with applicable Federal agencies.
Section 6
Nevada's energy policies shall promote energy innovation and leverage our premier research universities, resources and industries to do so. It will also focus on the development of battery, hydrogen and other energy storage technologies coupled with renewable energy projects.
Section 7
The strategic goals for developing Nevada's energy future shall be:
- The maintenance of affordable rates and increasing the reliability and resiliency of energy for Nevadans by diversifying our energy portfolio utilizing all available energy production options;
- Pursuing new energy transmission, infrastructure and energy storage projects to access additional resources from regions that compliment Nevada's energy usage to further diversify our energy p01tfolio;
- Having our utilities secure sufficient energy supply through dedicated in-state energy resources, including both utility-owned and third-party-owned solar, that ensure reliability for Nevadans while unce1tainty and volatility exist in broader western energy markets while also ensuring Nevadans continue to have affordable, diverse energy options available to them in their homes and businesses; and
- Continue to pursue options for Nevada to participate in an organized western energy market when such a market furthers Nevada's objectives of reliability, affordability and sustainability.
Section 8
State agencies within the executive branch of Nevada government shall work together and collaborate with businesses and other organizations to implement and accomplish these policy objectives.
Section 9
The Nevada Climate Strategy shall be reviewed and revised, as applicable through a broad-based stakeholder effort, to reflect these policy directives.
Section 10
The administration and state agencies shall collaborate, as necessary, with local governments within the state, tribal nations, federal agencies and bureaus, and other appropriate industries and businesses to advance the policies established by this Executive Order.
Section 11
This order is effective upon signature and shall remain in effect until December 31, 2033, unless it is terminated earlier or extended beyond that date by subsequent Executive Order.