Order Directing All Nevada Occupational and Professional Licensing Boards to Suspend the Issuance of Any New Regulations, Show Cause for All Occupational Licensing Requirements and to Provide a Recommended Pathway for Facilitating Licensure Reciprocity
WHEREAS, Nevada’s economic growth and vitality is dependent upon the depth and quality of the State’s workforce; and
WHEREAS, Nevada currently has 1.7 job openings for every unemployed person actively looking for work and there are acute shortages of employees in core sectors of the economy, including, without limitation, education, health care and technology; and
WHEREAS, Nevada has been identified nationally as having among the nation’s most onerous occupational licensing requirements, and it is in the State’s best long-term economic interest to have a fair, open, competitive and inclusive economy; and
WHEREAS, the Sunset Subcommittee of the Nevada State Legislature identified financial disparities and expressed concerns with practices of Nevada’s occupational and professional licensing boards including, without limitation, those involving hearing officers, training, operating reserves, fines and fee structures, electronic access and payments, use of outside counsel and lobbyists and centralized coordination of expenditures; and
WHEREAS, The State Division of Internal Audits concluded that the current composition and actions of Nevada occupational and professional licensing Boards may expose the State to anti-trust liability; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Nevada that its occupational and professional licensing boards are seeking opportunities to attract and retain qualified workers to the State and not create unnecessary barriers to entry; and
WHEREAS, Nevada’s occupational and professional licensing boards are subject to oversight by both the legislative and executive branch of government; and
WHEREAS, Article 5, Section 1 of the Nevada Constitution provides: “The supreme executive power of this State, shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate who shall be Governor of the State of Nevada.”
NOW, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as Governor by the Constitution and laws of the State of Nevada and the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Effective immediately and until the suspension of this order, all Nevada occupational and professional licensing boards shall suspend the creation of any new regulations that limit or otherwise impact the ability persons to enter any occupation or profession in Nevada.
Before April 1, 2023, all Nevada occupational and professional licensing boards shall provide a report to the Office of the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau detailing all regulations that restrict entry into any occupation or profession regulated by the board. Section 1 of the report shall include, at a minimum, all pertinent regulations, fees and other costs, examinations and any other requirements for entry into any occupation or profession regulated by the board. Section 2 of the report shall include, at a minimum, the board’s justification for the regulations, fees and other costs, examinations and other requirements set forth in Section 1 of the report. Section 2 shall also include an analysis of the number of states that currently license
each profession or occupation regulated by the board. Section 3 of the report shall provide, at a minimum, any recommended revisions to the current regulatory construct that would expedite licensure for new workers. Finally, Section 4 of the report shall identify state compacts or any other pathways to professional licensure reciprocity that exist regionally, nationally or internationally. Section 4 shall also include a summary of states currently providing reciprocity for each profession or occupation regulated by the board to include those states that do not license the profession or occupation, and therefore, do not require reciprocity. To the extent Nevada does not currently participate in any identified reciprocity opportunity, the board’s report shall provide a justification as to why Nevada does not currently participate and shall set forth an action plan should the state decide it should participate in such a reciprocity program.
To the extent an occupation or profession is currently licensed in Nevada but is not subject to licensure requirements in the majority of states (26 or more), licensure shall be presumed to be unnecessary and that board shall provide a recommendation for phasing out such a licensing requirement by July 1, 2023.
To the extent an occupation or profession that is currently licensed in Nevada allows for licensing reciprocity in the majority of states (26 or more), reciprocity shall be presumed to be possible and appropriate, and the board shall provide a recommendation for implementing a program for reciprocity participation by July 1, 2023.
Failure for any board to fully comply with the provisions of this order shall trigger an immediate operational and financial audit of the board by the Division of Internal Audits as well as recommendation to the Legislature that the board be subject to sanctions.