Order directing the Department of Administration to review and make recommendations with respect to hiring, retention and promotional rules and procedures related to State employment and to work with executive branch agencies to transition the State workforce to pre-pandemic, normal and customary office conditions by July 1, 2023
WHEREAS, the various agencies of the State of Nevada play a vital role in providing services to its citizens and businesses; and
WHEREAS, the 17,485 men and women that make up the State workforce play an equally pivotal role in delivering those services to the people of Nevada and the conditions of State employment are critical to providing a positive and productive work environment for State workers; and
WHEREAS, the State currently has a workforce vacancy rate of approximately 24 percent of legislatively approved positions; and
WHEREAS, certain legislative, administrative and government rules and procedures impede the hiring, retention and promotion of an effective and dynamic State workforce that is necessary for the government of the State of Nevada to deliver services to its citizens and businesses; and
WHEREAS, primarily on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, many State workers were required to work remotely; and
WHEREAS, COVID-19 cases are significantly down from the height of the pandemic and COVID-19 specific vaccinations and treatments are widely available; and
WHEREAS, the Nevada Department of Administration (“Department”) is the agency charged with overseeing public employment and buildings and grounds within the State of Nevada; and
WHEREAS, Article 5, Section 1 of the Nevada Constitution provides: “The supreme executive power of this State, shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate who shall be Governor of the State of Nevada.
NOW, THEREFORE by the authority vested in me as Governor by the Constitution and laws of the State of Nevada and the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Beginning immediately, the Department shall conduct a thorough review of conditions of State employment including, without limitation, the hiring process, experience and degree requirements, salary ranges, and the onboarding process, promotion and retention rules. Such review shall include a thorough examination of existing statutes, regulations and other rules such as the State Administrative Manual that may impede the hiring, onboarding of new employees as well as the retention and promotion of existing employees.
On or before April 1, the Department shall report to the Governor and make recommendations to simplify and otherwise improve the process for state agencies to hire, retain and promote employees and to remove any unnecessary barriers to entry for State employment. Such recommendations may include proposed changes to existing law and the suspension or modification of existing regulations.
The Department shall immediately begin working with all State agencies to develop a plan to ensure that the State workers return to pre-pandemic, normal and customary office conditions by July 1, 2023. The Department shall also work with State agencies to ensure that sufficient office space is available.
This Order is effective upon signature and shall remain in force, unless amended, modified, terminated or rescinded by the Governor, until the Department completes the assignments outlined in Section 1 and prepares and transmits a report to the Governor with findings and recommendations.